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A Modern Theory Of Healthy Aging

A Modern Theory Of Healthy Aging

These "longevity genes" unlock caloric restriction health benefits and increase energy.

These "longevity genes" unlock caloric restriction health benefits and increase energy.

Restricting calories in order to live longer isn’t a new idea. This dietary habit has all kinds of serious health benefits ranging from delaying muscle loss to encouraging better muscular functions in older adults. There’s a lot involved in why this happens at a cellular level, but one primary reason is a relatively unknown but crucial group of “longevity genes.”

In 2000, a scientist named Su-Ju Lin discovered that when she removed a sirtuin protein from yeast, caloric restriction no longer extended lifespan. Her work laid the foundation for the next 18 years of studies surrounding this family of proteins. Papers that followed Lin’s initial findings revealed the story was more complicated than that, but overall it remained the same: sirtuins unlocked the health benefits of caloric restriction.

Don't Go Breaking My Cells (Or Do?)

Biochemical reactions are a lot like playing with Legos. They change one molecule to another, for a specific purpose in the cell. Some reactions pull two Legos apart to produce smaller, simpler molecules, whereas other types of reactions attach Legos to make more complex products. Sirtuins act like a strong set of hands, or a Lego separator (if you’re one of those people).  

What makes sirtuins especially important to our health is that they perform this Lego separator job in a crucial process known as deacetylation. That word sounds complicated, but simply put it’s the process of removing acetyl groups from proteins, or de-acetylating them.

Acetyl groups are a chemical component of all cells. Sometimes acetyl groups are needed because they kick-start chemical processes within a cell, which is great when you want that reaction to happen. But you don’t need every possible chemical reaction happening at the same time. Deacetylation stops those chemical reactions from happening when you no longer need them to.

That’s why researchers suspect sirtuins may play a vital role in longevity. They decide when and how proteins access our DNA and other markers that kick-start those chemical reactions. They’re like the gatekeepers. 

The Family That Deacetylates Together…

Sirtuins influence a lot of different processes in the body because they help remove acetyl groups from a lot of different proteins. There are seven different types of sirtuins, and each one is found in different quantities, in different tissues, and in different parts of the cell within those tissues. This allows sirtuins to control all kinds of processes, with multiple jobs and substrates, the details of which are sometimes a little fuzzy under the microscope. But since sirtuins are such critical mediators of caloric restriction’s beneficial effects on aging, it’s worth knowing a little bit of what they do and why they matter so much.

SIRT1: Regulator of cell death, inflammation, and metabolism

Often found in the cytoplasm and nucleus of the cell, SIRT1 proteins are best known for influencing apoptosis (the process of programming old or damaged cells to die). It does this by activating the proteins involved in apoptosis through deacetylation.

SIRT1 also makes sure cells are efficient even in their death, by activating the proteins that recycle components of dead or dying cells (autophagy). This sirtuin also becomes active to cope with inflammation, and help the mitochondria produce more cellular energy.

Out of all the sirtuin family members, SIRT1 plays a major role when it comes to the benefits of caloric restriction. It’s vital to maintaining the balance between healthy and defective skeletal muscle, and participates in the muscle injury response. 



SIRT2: Controller of cellular metabolism

Also, often located in the cell’s cytoplasm and nucleus, SIRT2 is thought of as one of the main controllers of the body’s response to energy availability. It’s involved in a lot of the processes associated with metabolism, including the generation of fat cells, synthesis of lipids or fatty acids, liberation of energy from fat molecules, glucose metabolism, and insulin activity. SIRT2 also plays a role in inflammation and in regulating how the body responds to everyday oxidative stresses.

Because of SIRT2’s vital role in cellular metabolism, researchers are also looking into the role of SIRT2 in neurological health. The latest work suggests SIRT2 senses energy levels within the cell and adjusts its activation accordingly. SIRT2 activity can increase when energy is low and decrease when energy is high. That’s because it takes cellular energy to make cellular energy, so it’s best to shut off this and other metabolic processes when they’re not needed. 

…it takes cellular energy to make cellular energy.

New Promising Study For Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Health

New Promising Study For Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Health

CU Boulder clinical trial confirms nicotinamide riboside (NR) increases NAD levels and potentially improves heart health.

New Promising Study For Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Health

Our results also provide initial insight into the effects of chronic NR supplementation on physiological function in humans, and suggest that, in particular, future clinical trials should further assess the potential benefits of NR for reducing blood pressure and arterial stiffness in this group.— MARTENS, C., ET AL., 2018

Here are just some reasons why researchers are using NR to study the effects of higher NAD levels on human health:

●      NAD activates the “longevity genes” known as sirtuins [1]

●      NAD is used to support healthy DNA and aging through PARP activation

●      NAD levels decline by up to 50% in humans between the ages of 40–60

●      NAD depletion may play an important role in the aging process [2] 

Like everything else, NAD declines with age. But metabolic stressors that require NAD such as smoking, alcohol consumption, overeating, and sun radiation can speed up that decline. 



7 Things You May Not Know About Circadian Rhythm

7 Things You May Not Know About Circadian Rhythm

Disrupting your circadian rhythm can lead to everything from jet lag to sleep deprivation.

Whenever we talk about sleep, we usually end up talking about circadian rhythms. But what is a circadian rhythm exactly? How does it affect our ability to get a good night’s rest? And if sleep is so important, what other positive effects can regulating circadian rhythms have on our health?

Disrupting your circadian rhythm can lead to everything from jet lag to sleep deprivation.

1. Circadian rhythms don't just have to do with sleep

Technically speaking, circadian rhythms are any biological process that occur on a daily basis. Those rhythms include anything from photosynthesis in plants to mating behaviors in moths. No matter which organism they’re found in, however, they’re all driven by a circadian clock.

2. Your master clock is a bundle of brain cells located behind the bridge of your nose

In humans, the master clock is called the “suprachiasmatic nucleus.” And yes, it’s located at the base of the hypothalamus in the brain. This clock heavily influences practically all of our circadian rhythms and helps keep them all in sync.

3. Your circadian rhythms like to be in sync

Cells communicate with one another in order to synchronize their rhythms. The eyes relay the time of day, which travels to our master clock, which then sends signals to the other clocks in the rest of the body. This communication helps keep circadian rhythms like sleeping, eating, and temperature variations in sync.

4. Light isn’t the only thing that can affect your circadian rhythm

Although circadian rhythms are built into the cell and self-sustained, they also adjust to the local environment using external cues including light, temperature, and when we eat.

5. Your circadian clock is central to metabolic health

Metabolism plays a large role in our overall health and it has a circadian rhythm too. Many of the molecules involved in breaking down your food and generating cellular energy are controlled by your circadian clock. But if these metabolic circadian rhythms becomes misaligned with other cellular processes, they can all suffer.

6. NAD is a connection between metabolism and your circadian clock

Some molecules can help influence circadian rhythms by providing feedback between circadian activities and the clock itself. NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is one of those molecules. Not only are NAD levels influenced by the circadian clock, but they’re responsible for sending signals back to it as well.


7. Misalignment in circadian rhythms leads to things like jet lag and sleep deprivation

Jet lag happens whenever the various processes in our bodies that depend on circadian rhythm (eating, sleeping, hormone regulation, body temperature variations, etc), find themselves in an environment that doesn’t match their usual pattern. Shift work can have a similar effect. Irregular rhythms have been linked to various chronic health conditions and can lead to overall sleep deprivation.

Our sleeping pattern is just one of the many circadian rhythm processes in our body. And these patterns function better when they’re all in sync.