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An Island Of Power

An Island Of Power

These energy-making machines are making a comeback.

Mitochondria, An Energy Takeover

Ask anybody what they remember about the mitochondria, and they’ll probably say: “it’s the powerhouse of the cell.” That simple phrase has evolved from a biology class memory trick, to a meme expressing a general malaise or indifference. Because despite the necessity of these little energy-making machines, most of us still don’t know what the mitochondria are. And those of us who do remember that phrase, see it as the end of the story, rather than the beginning of one. 

But our mitochondria are the reason food gives us energy. They’re the reason we feel a sugar rush, and a sugar crash. They’re why we eat, drink, and ultimately how we survive. 

After over 40 years of research, scientists are turning to these powerhouses with one simple question: How do we keep these powerhouses full of power? 

An Energy Takeover

Before the mitochondria became invaluable to human cells, they existed completely outside of them as bacteria. They were simple single-celled organisms, lacking even the typical membrane structure of the bacteria we know today. Until they merged with another simple cell to become a more complex organism that makes us human beings. 

“Before the mitochondria became invaluable to human cells, they existed completely outside of them as bacteria.”

At first the plan wasn’t just to merge. The mitochondria, as bacteria, only wanted to rob the host cells of their energy and then leave them to die. But the bacteria soon realized they were better off working together with those cells rather than against them. This process eventually led to the more complex, structured organisms known as eukaryotic cells.

Today eukaryotic cells make up everything from mushrooms, apple trees, and dust mites to you. Human cells are eukaryotic which is why they have membranes, nuclei, and a bunch of other structural terms we probably learned in biology class but no longer remember. And the mitochondria’s initial energy takeover is now the very reason why we exist at all. 

The fact that mitochondria existed independently of the cell gave them their shape and purpose within the human body. It explains not only why the mitochondria look like bacteria, but also why they’re so uniquely vital to generating the energy we need to survive. 

A Powerful Purpose

Once they’d taken over, the mitochondria had a primary purpose: to generate energy. It sounds simple, and in some ways, it is. Even though there are several complicated processes taking place inside our cells, they all have the joint mission of creating a much-needed molecule known as ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is energy.

Creating ATP is essentially a highly advanced game of microscopic hot potato. Whatever we eat or drink is broken down into pieces, and our cells toss those pieces (specifically electrons) over to oxygen molecules. Which allows the rest of the cellular respiration process to produce ATP

“Creating ATP is essentially a highly advanced game of microscopic hot potato.”

Research over the last few decades has shown we make less mitochondria as we age. It’s also shown that what mitochondria we do have left, aren’t very effective. Some scientists theorize this is a result of an imbalance of free radicals and our cells’ ability to get rid of them. Others found evidence pointing to the leftover DNA in mitochondria as what led to their future potential for dysfunction. But most of their studies agreed on one thing: mitochondria grow less effective over time because of their decreased ability to make ATP.

In some ways, you could say this makes the mitochondria somewhat human-like. They too, need a purpose. But as they age, they grow less effective at their purpose of creating energy. They become dysfunctional, diseased, and die. As a result, the less ATP we create, the less energy we have to get through the day. And we all know what “not enough energy” feels like.

Only You Can Prevent Energy Loss

Although we make less mitochondria as we age, the number of mitochondria we do create is almost completely dependent on how much energy we need. The more active we are, the more energy our cells require, the more mitochondria are created to match our needs. 

That closely knit relationship also means that whenever we change our lifestyle or habits, our mitochondria adjust their number to that change. Some scientists have caught onto this and believe there is a connection between exercise routines and a process called mitochondrial biogenesis. They’ve found that exercise initiates a series of complex chemical reactions within the body that signal the need for more ATP and therefore more mitochondria. 

But the opposite is also true. A sedentary lifestyle can signal to the body that we don’t need as much ATP and inhibit the mitochondria from creating more of themselves. This reduces cellular energy, which can be felt all over the body, and is connected to more general metabolic dysfunction. 

“A sedentary lifestyle can signal to the body that we don’t need as much ATP and inhibit the mitochondria from creating energy in the first place.”

Thankfully, there are a few different ways to control the number of mitochondria in our cells. They can be made from scratch (mitochondrial biogenesis), divided, donated, or selectively removed from a cell altogether. All of these methods help the mitochondria directly match their supply to our need. Ultimately, our lifestyle and habits are important indicators of how much ATP we need and therefore how many mitochondria exist to meet that need. 

The Not-So Mighty Mitochondria

As crucial as mitochondria are for creating energy, it’s not as simple as one organelle. A bunch of different chemical reactions are at play, with the help of various chemicals, coenzymes, and one critical molecule known as NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide).

NAD is how the mitochondria turn food into energy. It’s how they make ATP, and how they play that energy-generating game of hot potato (a part of cellular respiration). Without NAD, the mitochondria could not generate energy. It’s safe to say that without NAD, the mitochondria would stop functioning, and so would we. 

The amount of NAD we produce declines with age, and like ATP, is heavily dependent on our lifestyle and habits. Things like working out can naturally increase NAD levels, but a bunch of other things like age, stress, staying in the sun for too long, drinking, or eating too much can all deplete NAD. Leaving our mitochondria to fight over a diminishing supply of their most powerful energy-generating resource.

Scientists at universities around the world are researching the effects varying NAD levels can have on overall human health as we age. So far, the results are more than promising. Recent human clinical trials show increased NAD does everything from help maintain muscle mass, to support heart health in older adults. With so many age-related health problems being linked to mitochondrial dysfunction, it only makes sense researchers would want to examine the very molecule that keeps mitochondria functioning in the first place. 

Knowledge Is Power To Your Cells

It’s okay if the only thing we remember from biology class is the “mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell,” because they truly are. The mitochondria are why we evolved from single-cell organisms to the complex human beings we are today.  

“The mitochondria are why we evolved from the single-cell organisms to the complex human beings we are today.”

Would we still be here today if the mitochondria had never joined forces to overtake and eventually bond with eukaryotic cells? Possibly. There’s no way to know for sure. But that’s not the point. Because they did merge. We are alive because of the mitochondria. We can read long blog posts like this one because of the mitochondria. They need us, just like we need them. Without the other, we are nothing. But together, we are the stuff of life.

Could The Key To Better Hair & Skin Begin Inside Of Us?

Could The Key To Better Hair & Skin Begin Inside Of Us?

One study seems to say “yes.”

When we look in the mirror, it can be hard to imagine how our cells have anything to do with the image staring back at us. How can something so small, something we can’t even see, influence what we look like or how we feel?

A new study published last month provides an intriguing answer to this question. Lead author Bhupendra Singh and colleagues at the University of Alabama at Birmingham uncovered a direct link between the health of our mitochondria and two common and highly visible signs of aging: hair loss and wrinkles.

Which Came First, the Mitochondrial Dysfunction or the Age?

Mitochondria aren’t called the “powerhouses of the cell” for nothing. It’s estimated that these islands of power generate 90% of our cellular energy. With lots of help from NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), mitochondria keep our cells operating at their best.

Scientists have noticed that our mitochondria become less efficient as we get older, leading to decreased cellular energy and a host of related problems.

Declining mitochondrial health is now widely considered a hallmark of aging. But does aging cause mitochondrial dysfunction or does declining mitochondrial health lead to the physiological changes we associate with aging? Or is the truth somewhere in between?

This chicken-and-egg conundrum inspired Singh and colleagues to dive deeper into this complicated relationship between mitochondrial health and aging.

Gene On, Gene Off

The researchers engineered a special mouse to study the effects of mitochondrial dysfunction independently of other age-related processes. By turning a single gene on or off they could directly control the mitochondrial health in young, 8-week-old mice (that’s about 20 years old in people years).

When they turned this gene “on” mitochondria became dysfunctional. When they turned the gene “off” mitochondrial function could be restored.

A few weeks after making mitochondria dysfunctional, the researchers started noticing some striking changes. Visible skin wrinkles appeared. Hair fell out. Males and females even showed different patterns of hair loss, with males showing patchier hair loss than females.

Now here’s where things get really interesting. When the researchers made mitochondria functional again, these changes disappeared.

In just one month, previously wrinkled skin became smoother and thinned out hair regrew. The changes caused by mitochondrial dysfunction could be reversed by simply restoring mitochondrial health.


One Step Closer to Understanding the Aging Process

While this study doesn’t mean we suddenly have a solution for male pattern baldness or sun-weathered skin, it does provide interesting new insights about how we age.

First, it establishes a stronger causative link between mitochondrial health and some of the changes we associate with aging. By manipulating mitochondrial health independently of age, this mouse study shows that inducing—and reversing—mitochondrial dysfunction can directly affect visible signs of aging.


Second, this study suggests that supporting the health of our cellular powerhouses may not only prevent outward signs of aging but also has the potential to reverse changes that have already occurred.

We’ll need to see more research, particularly in humans, to be able to put this into practice. But these preliminary results show promise for supporting our health, inside and out, as we age.

Where The Research Goes From Here

Dr. Keshav Singh, a professor of genetics in the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, led the team of scientists working on this study. “To our knowledge, this observation is unprecedented,” he said in a press release.

“Further experiments are required to determine whether phenotypic changes in other organs can also be reversed to wildtype level by restoration of mitochondrial DNA,” Singh said. Meaning that keeping mitochondria healthy could mean good things for the rest of our bodies, too.

Healthy Mitochondria = Healthy You

While we not-so-patiently wait for scientists to figure out the secrets of healthy aging, this study serves as an excellent reminder that, while invisible, our cells—and the mitochondria they contain—are an integral part of our overall health.

Whatever approach we may take, it’s clear that keeping our cells healthy can keep us at our best.

Water Isn’t The Only Way To Stay Hydrated

Water Isn’t The Only Way To Stay Hydrated

What’s salt got to do with it?

So much of the health advice we hear has to do with staying hydrated. But it can be hard to stay motivated ounce after ounce, or to even know which advice is real or not. Don't worry, we've got you covered.

What’s salt got to do with it?

We are water

Water molecules account for 70% or more of a total cell mass, making it the most abundant molecule in our bodies. The percentage of water in the body peaks around 75% in infants and goes as low as 45% in older populations.

One big reason for this is simply that oil and water don’t mix. Meaning fat tissues will naturally contain less water than other tissues (like muscles). And because we also tend to lose lean muscle mass as we age, it makes sense that we would also lose the supplies of water those tissues contain.

Electrolyte is just a fancy word for salt

The term “electrolytes” gets thrown around a lot when we’re talking about hydration and guess what—it’s basically a fancy scientific word for salts.

When we say salts, we’re talking about things like potassium, magnesium, sodium, and chloride. And yes, that’s the same sodium and chloride that make up table salt.

Sometimes your cells get salty

Salt has a bad reputation and for good reason. The amount of salt in our blood (sodium specifically), is very closely tied to blood pressure. Which is why people suffering from hypertension are often advised to eat low-sodium diets. But the levels of salt in our blood also serve a necessary purpose.

Salts help our cells and tissues stay the right size through a process called “osmosis,” which you may remember from high school biology. Water tends to enter cells with more “stuff” in them (salts, proteins, other molecules) compared to their surroundings. That balance between salt and water controls the size of our cells. Meaning they can actually swell if they gain too much water or shrink if they lose too much.

Kidneys do the heavy lifting

At any given time, 20–25% of your blood is going through your kidneys. Our kidneys are what maintain our internal balance between water and salts (electrolytes). This proper balance is essential for pretty much all of our bodily functions. Thankfully, we have a lot of systems in place to ensure this balance stays where it needs to be.

Staying hydrated requires a lot of energy (and NAD)

Your kidneys work very hard to actively control what stays in your blood or leaves your body. This process requires a ton of cellular energy. Your cells wouldn’t be able to generate any of that energy without NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide).

Caffeinated beverages don’t actually dehydrate you

One of the many myths floating around about caffeine is that it dehydrates you. This assumption is based off the fact that caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it enhances urinary output and can help eliminate excess water and salts from the body. Although caffeine is a diuretic, if you’re drinking it in a beverage it offsets the water loss.

If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated

There’s a reason why this phrase is so well-known. Losing only 1–2% of your body’s total water can cause a mild but marked decline in cognitive performance. This is also the same time your body starts to trigger the sensation of thirst. Meaning that by the time you feel thirsty, you’re already mildly dehydrated.

Coconut water might be better for you than plain water

One study tested sodium-enriched fresh young coconut water, fresh young coconut water that wasn’t enriched with sodium, a sports drink, and plain water to see which did best at rehydrating. The answer? Sports drink and sodium-enriched coconut water rehydrated better than plain water.

Drinking water can’t really prevent headaches

You may have noticed a headache when you get dehydrated, but there is surprisingly very little research that can explain this phenomenon. One study done by a group of curious medical students showed evidence that dehydration headaches are real.

The 8 x 8 rule may not work for you

Most health professionals recommend drinking eight glasses of eight ounces of water every day. But the reality is (as usual) more complex than that. How much water we need to stay hydrated depends on a host of factors like our body type, environment, and level of physical activity. The 8 x 8 rule is just a guideline.

Salt cravings are real

Dehydration can also lead to a sodium imbalance, which can create a sensation known as “salt appetite.” Your body literally craves salt because you need more of it.

Eat food when you’re bored with drinking water

This may seem obvious but just like humans are almost 50–60% water, our foods also contain a high percentage of this life-giving molecule. So, eating foods with a higher water content can help keep us hydrated.

We also create water when metabolizing fats and sugars (another process that requires NAD). Some animals hardly ever drink because they make all the water they need from food. We’re not saying that works all the time, but if you’re bored with drinking water, there are some other tastier options.


“...if you’re bored with drinking water, there are some other tastier options.”